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callCC in Haskell, and my ultimate Monad

I've long since promised myself to write about callCc in Haskell. Not because I have a crystal understanding of its intricacies, but because I think it's such a thing of beauty and by writing about it, I will better commit it to my sieve-like memory. So, here we go...

(Reference: this is where I first learned about callCC. There is no way I can make a better writing on callCC - again I am only trying to capture my journey in comprehending it.)

The types

Let's start with the Cont type:

data Cont r a = Cont { unCont:: ((a -> r) -> r) }

This wraps around a continuation, which basically says, if you give me a function a->r, you will get a r back.

What does this mean?

That's when runCont comes handy:

runCont :: Cont r a -> (a -> r) -> r
runCont k f = unCont k $ f

Let's see an example:

*Main> let c = Cont ($ 1)
*Main> runCont c (+ 2)
*Main> runCont c show
*Main> runCont c (\x -> [x])

So on and on, you get the idea. You'll notice it's pretty similar to call-backs.

the Cont monad

Yes yes I hear you - everything has a chance to be a Monad until we prove otherwise. In fact let's go through the whole Functor - Applicative - Monad thing (manually), just to get used to the whole Cont idea.


instance Functor (Cont r) where
  a2b `fmap` m = Cont $ \b2r -> runCont m $ \a -> b2r (a2b a)

I've named the functions to better illustrate their types so save us a bit of guessing.

With this we can do:

*Main> runCont ((* 2) <$> Cont ($ 3)) id


instance Applicative (Cont r) where
  pure a = Cont $ \a2r -> a2r a
  ma2b <*> m = Cont $ \b2r -> runCont m $ \a -> runCont ma2b $ \a2b -> b2r (a2b a)

Again I try to keep it verbose here. It may appear a bit overwhelming with the levels of nesting. I find understanding runCont is essential here, it takes a function with type a -> r, and the easiest way to get such function, is to make it by going \a -> ...try to get an r,


After Applicative hopefully Monad becomes straightforward here.

instance Monad (Cont r) where
  return = pure
  ma >>= a2mb = Cont $ \b2r -> runCont ma $ \a -> runCont (a2mb a) $ \b -> b2r b

Again I find explicit naming and verbosity really helpful here. Now we can do

*Main> let a2mb = \n -> Cont (\f -> f $ n * 2)
*Main> let mb = Cont (\f -> f 3) >>= a2mb
*Main> runCont mb id


Below it's an implementation of the ~~in~~famous CallCC:

myCallCC :: ((a -> Cont r b) -> Cont r a) -> Cont r a
myCallCC a2mb2ma =
  Cont $ \a2r -> let  a2mb = \a1 -> Cont $ \b2r -> a2r a1
                      ma = a2mb2ma a2mb
                      in runCont ma $ \a2 -> a2r a2

I won't blame you if you find this a bit overwhelming... but in all honesty, I simply followed the types to complete the implementation... and by the time it type checks, I actually still couldn't fully comprehend what I have just written - but it works! Gotta love the type system. Well, let's try to analyse this! (Or skip to the next section if my analysis makes you dizzy).

My gut feeling is - out these 2 applications, one of them is redundant.

Now I am not really one of these super smart people who can decode this, so I will need a dumb way to find out what's going on. In Haskell, luckily, thanks to purity, mostly of the time we can just use Equational Reasoning.

Equational Reasoning

Now first let's see myCallCC in action. Copied from the Reference page.

quux = myCallCC $ \k -> do
    k 5
    return 25

And here comes the magic bit, if you run the result continuation...

*Main> let quux = myCallCC $ \k -> do { k 5; return 25 }
*Main> runCont quux id

So the Monad block do { k 5; return 25 } has been transformed by myCallCC to not execute return 25. In fact, anything after invocation of k will be ignored. Isn't that the weirdest thing?! Oh well, let's find out why.

To get on with equational reasoning, first we expand the above call to myCallCC with the argument. It'll be lengthy but bear with me.

quux =
  Cont $ \a2r -> let  a2mb = \a1 -> Cont $ \b2r -> a2r a1
                      ma = (\k -> do { k 5; return 25 }) a2mb
                      in runCont ma $ \a2 -> a2r a2

Try apply a2mb to \k...

quux =
  Cont $ \a2r -> let  a2mb = \a1 -> Cont $ \b2r -> a2r a1
                      ma = do { a2mb 5; return 25 }
                      in runCont ma $ \a2 -> a2r a2

And expand a2mb

quux =
  Cont $ \a2r -> let  ma = do { (\a1 -> Cont $ \b2r -> a2r a1) 5; return 25 }
                      in runCont ma $ \a2 -> a2r a2

And apply 5 to \a1 ...

quux =
  Cont $ \a2r -> let  ma = do { Cont $ \b2r -> a2r 5; return 25 }
                      in runCont ma $ \a2 -> a2r a2

And expand ma,

quux =
  Cont $ \a2r -> runCont (do { Cont $ \b2r -> a2r 5; return 25 }) $ \a2 -> a2r a2

Now if we try to put \a2 -> a2r a2 in place of b2r, we'll find it's never used! So the above expression can be simplified as

quux = Cont $ \a2r -> runCont (do { Cont $ \_ -> a2r 5; return 25 }) undefined

Now if we go one level up and try to expand runCont quux id:

runCont quux id = runCont (do { Cont $ \_ -> id 5; return 25 }) undefined

And let's bring it to the REPL:

*Main> runCont (do { Cont $ \_ -> id 5; return 25 }) undefined

Aha! That is it - the trick is in the do block, or, in the Cont Monad! For record's sake, let's desugar the whole do block:

runCont $ (Cont \_ -> id 5) >>= (\_ -> return 25) ...
-- and according to   
-- ma >>= a2mb = Cont $ \b2r -> runCont ma $ \a -> runCont (a2mb a) $ \b -> b2r b

runCont $ Cont $ \b2r -> runCont (Cont \_ -> id 5) $ \a -> runCont (\_ -> return 25) $ \b -> b2r b ...

-- remember runCont k f = unCont k $ f
runCont $ Cont $ \b2r -> runCont (Cont \_ -> id 5) $ \a -> return 25 ...
-- again
runCont $ (Cont $ \b2r -> id 5) undefined

-- eventually
id 5

There we are! myCallCC demystified!

To recap:


With the above finding, we can now simplify myCallCC to

myCallCC :: ((a -> Cont r b) -> Cont r a) -> Cont r a
myCallCC a2mb2ma =
  Cont $ \a2r -> let  a2mb = \a1 -> Cont $ \_ -> a2r a1
                      ma = a2mb2ma a2mb
                      in runCont ma undefined

It may seem a bit ungainly to leave an undefined at the end, but since it clearly shows the intent of ignoring any input in its place, I personally think it's fine.


At first look, callCC might not be for the faint-hearted, but as we look closer and closer, there is no magic (although almost indistinguishable from it!) but a clever usage of Monad.

In trying to comprehend it, Equational Reasoning proves a powerful tool to me. Unfortunately this is not the case for non-pure functions / languages. What that means to me - all the more reason for us to use pure languages like Haskell, or if that's not immediately possible, try to write as much pure code as we can!

You can find all the source code for this article here