Hackle's blog
between the abstractions we want and the abstractions we get.

Coding an alternative Vect.index, Type-Driven Development in Idris

indexFin and Fin

In Fin we've seen a version of type-safe indexFin (which is basically a copy of the index function defined in Data.Vect) which once compiles, guarantees to return a valid element from a vector.

import Data.Fin
import Data.Vect

indexFin : {n: Nat} -> Fin n -> Vect n a -> a
indexFin FZ (x :: xs) = x
indexFin (FS s) (x :: xs) = indexFin s xs

Which is simply called as such:

*fin> indexFin 3 [1,2,3,4]
4 : Integer
*fin> indexFin 0 [1,2,3,4]
1 : Integer
*fin> indexFin 3 [1,2,3]
(input):1:10:When checking argument prf to function Data.Fin.fromInteger:
        When using 3 as a literal for a Fin 3
                3 is not strictly less than 3

Out of sheer curiosity - can we have an alternative to this?

Suppose I can prove an index argument is less than the length of the vector, I should be able to get the same type-safety?

The type for elementAt

elementAt : (idx: Nat) -> Vect (S n) a -> { auto prf: n `GTE` idx } -> a

A few interesting things:

(Read more about auto proof here)

I don't know about you but I feel pretty impressed (by Idris and myself) how expressive the types alone can be!

the code

Let's now get to my favorite part - coding with Idris!

Naturally, Ctrl+Alt+A to add a definition (with Atom), so we have:

elementAt : (idx: Nat) -> Vect (S n) a -> { auto prf: n `GTE` idx } -> a
elementAt idx xs = ?elementAt_rhs

Well, don't think twice, just case split, and case split again.

elementAt : (idx: Nat) -> Vect (S n) a -> { auto prf: n `GTE` idx } -> a
elementAt Z (x :: xs) = ?elementAt_rhs_2
elementAt (S k) (x :: xs) = ?elementAt_rhs_3

Next we'll do a proof search on the hole elementAt_rhs_2, as expected, x is returned, which makes sense - if the idx is 0, then we should return the very first element in the list. So far so good!

elementAt : (idx: Nat) -> Vect (S n) a -> { auto prf: n `GTE` idx } -> a
elementAt Z (x :: xs) = x
elementAt (S k) (x :: xs) = ?elementAt_rhs_3

Now if we also do a proof search on elementAt_rhs_3, we get x as well - which is in the correct type, but won't make much sense for our function.

When in doubt, type search. Idris tells us:

a : Type
k : Nat
x : a
n : Nat
xs : Vect n a
prf : LTE (S k) n
elementAt_rhs_3 : a

There is a proof LTE (S k) n that tells us S k is less than or equal to n. Apparently this is just another form of n `GTE` idx (S k is one form of idx). Informative, but not very helpful.

To jump the gun here, the only way I see how - is just to return elementAt k xs. Seems reasonable right? Both the index and the size of the vector decrease by one, in another word, we are just using good-old recursion. So we get:

elementAt : (idx: Nat) -> Vect (S n) a -> { auto prf: n `GTE` idx } -> a
elementAt Z (x :: xs) = x
elementAt (S k) (x :: xs) = let x1 = elementAt k xs in ?elementAt_rhs_3

Try type check, no - the compiler does not like it...

When checking right hand side of elementAt with expected type

When checking argument prf to Main.elementAt:
        Can't find a value of type
                LTE k n

This is telling us we need to prove that k is less than or equal to n. But we already have GTE n (S k)?

While I think surely this makes perfect sense, Idris does not understand that if idx <= n + 1 then idx - 1 <= n . We have to prove it to Idris.

A bit lost, and honestly I don't know what to do except bringing the auto prf proof to scope. But the compiler still gives the same error.

elementAt : (idx: Nat) -> Vect (S n) a -> { auto prf: n `GTE` idx } -> a
elementAt Z (x :: xs) = x
elementAt (S k) (x :: xs) {prf} = let x1 = elementAt k xs in ?elementAt_rhs_3

Still lost, the only thing left to do, is to case split on prf, before that though, I have to revert the previous step, now I get:

elementAt : (idx: Nat) -> Vect (S n) a -> { auto prf: n `GTE` idx } -> a
elementAt Z (x :: xs) = x
elementAt (S k) (x :: xs) {prf = (LTESucc y)} = ?elementAt_rhs_1

Now a type search on the hole returns:

a : Type
k : Nat
x : a
right : Nat
xs : Vect (S right) a
y : LTE k right
elementAt_rhs_1 : a

A few things to note here

elementAt : (idx: Nat) -> Vect (S n) a -> { auto prf: n `GTE` idx } -> a
elementAt Z (x :: xs) = x
elementAt (S k) (x :: xs) {prf = (LTESucc y)} = elementAt k xs

Ah, now it compiles! Let's see if it really works?

*elementAt> elementAt 0 [1,2,3]
1 : Integer
*elementAt> elementAt 1 [1,2,3]
2 : Integer
*elementAt> elementAt 2 [1,2,3]
3 : Integer
*elementAt> elementAt 3 [1,2,3]
(input):1:1-19:When checking argument prf to function Main.elementAt:
        Can't find a value of type
                LTE 3 2

Yes, it does!


The Idris compiler is so powerful that if we express our problems well enough in types, it can guide us to a solution by giving us very useful information every step of the way.

Further reading

For List, there is also an index function defined as such:

index : (n : Nat) ->
                    (xs : List a) ->
                    {auto ok : InBounds n xs} -> a

Note there is an auto proof ok? What's different is that a Vect has a length in its type, but a List does not, so how does List do it? And can the same proof be used for Vect? Why or why not?