Hackle's blog
between the abstractions we want and the abstractions we get.

Not assignable? A must-cast situation! TypeScript, wise 'as any'

A head-scratcher

TypeScript can be baffling sometimes. For example, it refuses to accept the below implementation for a very simple ap that intends to return 'Am' for 'Am' and 'Pm' for 'Pm', how hard could it be?!

type AmPm = 'Am' | 'Pm';

function ap<T extends AmPm>(val: T): T {
    if (val === 'Am') {
        return 'Am';

    return 'Pm';

The error message is quite a head-scratcher.

Type '"Am"' is not assignable to type 'T'. '"Am"' is assignable to the constraint of type 'T', but 'T' could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint 'AmPm'.ts(2322)

We know very well this function works as expected for the callers.

// const am: "Am"
const am = ap('Am');

To add to the confusion, these forms below will type-check just fine - not without their own quirks. Besides, they are not exactly what we wanted with ap. And my eyes! The atrocity of as T!!!

function ap1<T extends AmPm>(val: T): T {
    if (val === 'Am') {
        // val: T extends AmPm
        return val; 

    return val;

// but return type is AmPm
function ap2(val: AmPm): AmPm {
    if (val === 'Am') {
        return 'Am';

    return 'Pm';

function apX<T extends AmPm>(val: T): T {
    if (val === 'Am') {
        // NO!!! Casting!!!
        return 'Am' as T;

    return 'Pm' as T;

Type-narrowing is not at fault

Why? But why? Some people complain that for ap1, type narrowing doesn't work, val should be narrowed down to Am within the if block. That's actually not the case, as is evident below.

function ap4<T extends AmPm>(val: T): T {
    if (val === 'Am') {
        // const result: "Am"
        const result = (a => a)(val);

        return result;  // same error as ap

    return val;

Using the trick (a => a)(val) we can prove val is actually narrowed down to "Am", to result in the same error as the original ap.

The REAL problem is, TypeScript does not narrow down return types from control flow analysis. As a refresher, a function's return type is either,

Sets, subsets, branches and overloads

To really understand the problem, we need to be pedantic with what T extends AmPm really means. Conveniently, we may think it means that T can be one of "Am" | "Pm", an understanding that works reasonably well most of the time. But this cannot be further from the truth! What this really means is, T can be any of these types,

  1. "Am" | "Pm"
  2. "Am"
  3. "Pm"
  4. never

This makes more sense if we think about sets. All 4 variations are subsets of the type "Am" | "Pm", including never as it's empty!

Now let's look at function ap<T extends AmPm>(val: T): T again. It says T can be any one of these 4 possibilities; but ONLY ONE, it cannot be 2 at the same time. This is quite clear at the call-site, when the type acts as the contract, for example const am = ap('Am').

However, within the function implementation, T is not known, so it must remain uncertain and be any of the 4 variations.

But it is known, you say! Because,

if (val === 'Am') {
    return 'Am';

This clearly narrows down T to "Am"! This is actually true, and we can say for this branch, ap is of type 'Am' => 'Am'. The other branch, ap : 'Pm' => 'Pm'. This leads us down a good route, as now ap takes two forms, that aligns very well with the overload syntax!

function ap(val: 'Am'): 'Am';
function ap(val: 'Pm'): 'Pm';
function ap(val: AmPm): AmPm {
    // same code as before ...

// const am: "Am"
const am = ap('Am');

And this works! Should TypeScript have considered these two forms equivalent, and allowed this to go? Many people definitely think so in this discussion and this other discussion, but one point is missing here.

A point is missing

Let's assume TypeScript does type-narrow the return type based on the implementation, what does it do to a slightly more complex ap7, this time with two parameters of the same type AmPm.

function ap7<T extends AmPm>(
    val1: T,
    val2: T,
): T {
    if (val1 === 'Am') {
        return val2;    // should val2 be 'Am' too?

    return val1;

Should val2 be "Am" because val1 : "Am"? The are both of type T extends AmPm after all. Can't be any clearer!

Not necessarily, and here is the catch: although val1 : "Am" holds, val2 can still be "Pm", which means T : AmPm. This is perfectly fine! It's one of the 4 possibilities of T extends AmPm. If TypeScript has kicked in type-narrowing on the return type and forced T to be "Am", it would have been completely wrong!

It's obvious with subtyping

If we generalise T to be any type, not just unions, this answer can be made even more obvious - even trivial if we bring in subtyping. Consider,

function self<T extends Person>(p: T): T {
    const person: Person = {...};
    return person;

// type `Teacher` is a subtype of `Person`
const teacher: Teacher = {...};

const teacherSelf = self(teacher); // Not right! `teacherSelf` is of type `Person`

This is obviously wrong! self(teacher) should return a Teacher type, not a Person type.

Now you should understand the error message, and let's sub in the types.

Type 'Person' is not assignable to type 'Teacher'.
  'Person' is assignable to the constraint of type 'Person', but 'T' could be instantiated with 'Teacher'.ts(2322)

The dreadful alternative

But hope is not all lost. We can still argue, in this case the programmer should check both val1 and val2 to help TypeScript decide what T is. In effect, we promise to do the below,

function ap8<T extends AmPm>(
    val1: T,
    val2: T,
): T {
    const vals: [T, T] = [val1, val2];
    switch (vals) {
        case ['Am', 'Am']: ... // T must be 'Am'!
        case ['Pm', 'Pm']: ... // T must be 'Pm'
        case ['Am', 'Pm']: ... // T is still AmPm
        case ['Pm', 'Am']: ... // T is still AmPm

Aha, cornered, TypeScript! Now you must do the right thing for us so we have guarantee for correctness!

Except - would you be happy to write code in this fashion, and commit to doing so? Not me. Imagine a union type consisting of 5 types, and the size of switch / case I have to write! A dreadfully boring prospect indeed.

People! We've just found a must-cast situation, endorsed by Anders Hejlsberg himself.

And finally, when the time comes, I will be using as T or even as any with a (barely noticeable) smile on my face, knowing no shame could be coming my way.